Fotonow Declare Climate Emergency:

We at Fotonow are gravely concerned about the serious social and environmental consequences of the climate crisis.

Human wellbeing is inextricably linked to the natural environment and our society is reliant on a stable ecosystem. We are concerned that the impacts of the climate crisis will not be felt equally, with the most vulnerable in society likely to suffer the greatest impacts of climate change.

As a social enterprise our core business aim is to work with people and communities for a better future. Inaction on climate change ultimately puts our ability to achieve this at risk. Therefore we are making this declaration and set of commitments as an organisation, making clear that “business as usual” is no longer an option.

We applaud Plymouth City Council’s decision to take the lead locally by declaring a climate emergency, but there is much work to do to take the positive words forward into tangible action.

We call on Plymouth’s business community and the public to work together tackle this emergency.

16th September 2019.

We commit to the following actions:

  1. To develop in the next 6 months, a decarbonisation plan for our business.
  2. To make this plan public and visible on our website.
  3. To publicly report on our progress and share our experiences of initiatives we undertake.
  4. To reject funding from organisations linked to the fossil fuel industry.

Our plan will:

  1. Develop, set and implement concrete emissions reduction targets covering the next five years.
  2. Encourage decarbonisation in every activity in which Fotonow engages.
  3. Develop new sustainability policy with the environment as a key value in developing our work and measuring our impact.
  4. Establish personnel policies that promote decarbonisation opportunities for staff, volunteers and project partners.
  5. Adopt a new reporting framework to enable transparent evaluation of our progress towards our targets.